Brad Cubit
E-mail: brad@iowacops.org
Brad began his career with the Department of Public Safety in 1987, when he graduated from the 13th basic academy. Upon completion of the academy, he was assigned to the Capitol Police Division until he transferred to District 1 in 1990. Cubit then transferred to District 14 in 1993, where he served as the Safety Education Officer until 1995. Before retiring in January of 2023, he was assigned to District 15 as a full time Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) Trooper. He specialized in commercial vehicle inspection and enforcement. He has been an abandoned vehicle officer as well as a field training officer. Cubit has been a mentor to new troopers in his area and is a valuable resource to law enforcement officers across the state. As a trooper he was a hostage negotiator and a key member of the Critical Incident Stress Management Team. He has been instrumental in numerous high stress negotiations, where the incident was successfully resolved with no injuries to officers, suspects, or hostages. Cubit's genuine concern for his fellow officers was demonstrated routinely as he traveled throughout the state facilitating traumatic stress debriefings for police officers, first responders, and dispatchers. These debriefing events included situations such as officer-involved shootings, officer deaths, suicides, fatal car crashes, traumatic crime scenes, and natural disasters. He has a renowned ability to speak to anyone on any level and always adds a special flare of down home Iowa hospitality. Cubit was rehired in February of 2023 as a Critical Incident Stress Management/Peer Support Civilian.